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This series was started in an effort to improve my watercolor clouds. And the best way to improve is to practice. I started with the 3 x 3 inches, then moved to 5 x 7 inches.

2018-02-23 08.23.09.jpg

11 x 14 inches

5 x 7 inches

3 x 3 inches

3 x 9 inch triptychs

These are strips of three 3 x 3 paintings that worked well together. Click on image to check availability - current price is $35 each. As of right now I don't have a framing option in place.

3 x 15 strips

These are strips of five 3 x 3 paintings that worked well together. Click on image to check availability - current price is $45 each. As of right now I don't have a framing option in place.